Lincoln Lawyer

The Lincoln Lawyer


It has always made me feel good to know that Honest Abe was a practicing lawyer before serving as President.  Lincoln was dedicated to his legal practice and was known to be a "jack of all trades" in that regard.  He represented all comers, from farmers arguing over cows to large corporate railroad companies fighting over taxation issues, earning fees ranging from $5 all the way up to $5,000 (a hefty sum in those days -- and these).  In all, he and his partners (he always had one) represented more than 5,000 clients prior to his presidency.  

So dedicated to the practice of law was Lincoln that prior to departing Springfield, Illinois, for the White House, he pointed to the sign hanging from his law office that read, "Lincoln and Herndon," and told his law partner, William Herndon to "let it hang there undisturbed," promising to return to their practice after his term "as if nothing had ever happened."

There is so much more I could write about Lincoln, but I have been told that blog posts are meant to be short, so I will honor custom and end this one now, but don't be surprised to see more black & whites of The President mixed in amongst my future posts right here on the DL Blog.